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Showing posts from October, 2015

The Fastest Animal

The world’s fastest four-legged animal is not, as many people think, a gazelle. It is the cheetah. There is no animal in the world that can run nearly as fast over short distances. People have timed it at 103 feet per second, but it can do more than that. Many authorities say that the cheetah can run along at 80 miles per hour, which is about as fast as the fastest train. The cheetah, sometimes called the hunting leopard, lives in Africa and Southern Asia. The Indians use it for chasing the Indian antelope and other fast games. And which is the most dangerous animal in the world? It is very difficult to say. A bull may be very dangerous if you are not careful. A man-eating tiger is certainly not a house cat. But what do we mean by dangerous? By dangerous we mean an animal that is very strong and always aggressive. A bull will attack you only if you make him very angry. However, there is one animal, which is the strongest and most aggressive of all. He is the black